Friday, May 3, 2019

Blog 6

I really enjoyed reading your blog and I absolutely agree! Giving women free birth control will prevent unplanned pregnancies and decrease the numbers of abortions. Unfortunately, women get pregnant in horrific events such as rape and if a woman is on birth control it can possibly prevent the pregnancy.

You make a very good point in the beginning of your blog about the foster care system. There are many kids who are in the foster care system lacking love, care and safety. states that in 2017 there were nearly 443,000 children in foster care and has possibly increased since the past 2 years. I believe free birth control could decrease these numbers drastically.

I could not see a downfall in giving women free birth control. Those who want it could get it and those who choose not to get it could pass on it. This would be beneficial for women of all incomes and ages. I really hope to see this take place in the future and free health care as well!!

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