Friday, May 3, 2019

Blog 5

In the constitution, there are many amendments that touch on the subject of voting. If voting is a right, why are many people not voting? In my opinion, many choose not to vote because our state makes voting difficult. If Texas made changes to the system of voting, I believe our voter turnout will increase dramatically.

Voting registration is where I believe the problem starts. The National Voter Registration Act of 1993 was created to enhance voting opportunities for Americans. This act was suppose to make voting registration easier, yet it is still very difficult for some people to register to vote. In my opinion, people should not have to register to vote. In the United States, there are 16 states which automatically register those who meet the requirements. If Texas had an automatic voting registration system, it would not only save money, but would increase the number of people who vote.

Another problem that I believe could be fixed is creating online voting. If people could vote online, in the comfort of their own home, voter turnout would increase. During the past few years, people have been able to purchase or access anything online. Some people are not able to leave their homes whether its because of their children, a disability or other personal issues. Early voting has made it easier for people to cast their votes but waiting in long lines can cause a problem for most. If people could stay home and vote at any time during the day, I believe it could increase voter turnout.

These are only two solutions that with the right security could be very successful. If Texas made the voting process available online, it would not only benefit many but it will save money in the long run.

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